Sunday, March 11, 2007

What is important to us

Mu: I will tell you a secret today.

Tal: Go ahead.

Mu: There are 2 types of questions: questions of truths and questions of values. 'Questions of truth' entertain the mind and 'questions of values' justify life.

Tal: What do you mean?

Mu: Questions of truth' deal with knowledge and understanding. For example, 'Is reality knowable? Is the world flat or is there life in another planets? Is there any God? What do I mean when I say 'do you understand that?' These questions are questions dealing with some abstraction, very far away from my pains of being alive. They are the domain of methaphysicals, logical positivists, and crazy linguists. Reason rules here and we are in real trouble when we reach the end of both language and thought.

Tal: And questions of values?

Mu: These are the one that I need to answer to convince myself that life is really worthy, that to be alive is better than to be dead. For example, 'if life is suffering -and obvious fact-, why to choose life instead of dead? Why not to commit suicide? Faith not logic is king. You find Nietzche, Sartre and Christ sharing this universe. No abstractions. They resides in our bones and bath in our own blood. We are them.

Tal: Thanks. Now let me go back to sleep.

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