Monday, February 12, 2007

The mother of the questions

Scene: Lustro and Fifo walks on Main street. Lustro pulls a paper out of his left pocket.

Lustro: Last night in the middle of my loneliness and before bed I wrote some thoughts. I want to read them to you.

Fifo: Sure, but we careful. Sometimes the last thoughts at night start long conversations and in Blog space attention is very short.

Lustro begings.

Lustro: After long thoughts, the most important question that any man could ask is if it life really worthwhile. I mean, is it better to be alive than to be dead? The crazyness of this question is that only those men that answered in the afirmative can be present to say yes. The others are already dead.

Fifo: I totally agree. First we choose life from the conviction that life is better than death, and then we have the horrible trouble of figure out what is the best live worth living.

Lustro: So you go it. But I read these thoughts to Merli and she told me that it depends on the belief of an after life, that fear of the consequences of would stop some people of ending their lifes, and that it takes a lot of courage.

Fifo: She misses the point. If the consequences of choosing death is damnation in hell, then choosing life, even when it is full of suffering, is better than an eternity of pain in hell. In other words, a little suffering today in life is much better than eternal suffering in hell as penalty for commiting suicide.

Lustro: Indeed. 'Is life worth living?' becomes the primary question that any self conscious being ask. The other questions follow afterward.

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